Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle Explained: From Ammonia to Nitrate Management

The Nitrogen Cycle is a process that breaks down the waste of fish and bacteria into nonharmful substances. It is vital for fish in your aquarium to thrive.

When fish eat they excrete ammonia in the water. Ammonia can be poisonous for fish. In a tank that is cycling beneficial bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) consume this ammonia, and transform it into Nitrite.


Ammonia is a byproduct of aquariums because of the waste from fish and decaying foods are broken down. Ammonia is toxic to fish and may even cause burns to their gills. Therefore, it needs to be transformed by bacteria to produce something that is less harmful. This process is called the nitrogen cycle. This process is usually organic in nature, as fish and other organisms produce their own waste, but because aquariums lock the water into one place the nitrogen cycle has to be artificially created.

The first step in the process is adding ammonia as a source to the tank. The ammonia is broken down by a chemical reaction bacteria referred to as Nitrosomonas which release Nitrites. A different type of bacterium called Nitrifying Bacteria is then able to convert the nitrites to Nitrates. Algae, as well as other plants that live underwater take in the nitrates and produce oxygen.

It is vital that an aquarium is properly “cycled” prior to adding fish in it. Nitrite and Ammonia levels can reach dangerously high levels when the aquarium isn’t properly cycled. It could cause poisoning or kill fish. It is recommended to gradually introduce a fresh tank of smaller fish over time. You can also add an bacterial starter like Fritz Zyme, Stability or Stability.

Do not wash your filter media with tap water because chlorine may kill beneficial bacteria that are needed for the nitrogen cycle. Also, be patient until the Nitrogen Cycle has completed before adjusting the pH in the aquarium.

Beneficial Bacteria

Beneficial bacteria are vital to a healthy aquarium. They take organic wastes such as dead plants, fish waste and other organic waste. These bacteria convert toxic ammonia and nitrite into non-toxic Nitrate. They also assist in removing the heavy organic dissolved loads in the water, and reduce phosphate levels. They reside on the filter media, and on solid surfaces like rocks, gravel and even decorations inside the tank.

In nature the nitrogen cycle happens naturally when animals release waste and then nature cleans it. However, an aquarium must use a different method to maintain safe water. The bacteria found in the waste of fish can be harmful to fish if they are exposed. The nitrogen cycle breaks these harmful bacteria down and ensures the water is safe for fish.

There are a variety of products available which claim to “seed” an aquarium with these nitrifying bacteria, but the best way to get started on the Nitrogen Cycle is by doing regular water changes, and using a high-quality filter that is able to handle the load. Nitrifying bacteria can be found everywhere around us and even in the air. It takes time to allow the bacteria to develop until they can start up the nitrogen cycle.

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Ammonia Control

The levels of ammonia in a tank tank are best controlled by making periodic water changes. When making these water changes, you should try to use small scoops or a bucket to change the water, instead of dumping out the whole contents of the tank. This reduces the disruption to the substrate. These water changes may need to be performed more often in accordance with the levels of ammonia.

Another way to control ammonia levels is by reducing fish feeding. Ammonia is produced when the protein in fish feed is broken down by the digestive system. Ammonia produced in this way is excreted through the urine and breaks down to nitrites. Nitrites are then converted to Nitrates by a different group of bacteria. This bo be ca rong dai dep is a part of the nitrogen cycle that occurs in an aquarium.

Both types of nitrifying bacteria need oxygen in order to thrive and grow. These bacteria will cease function or cease to exist if the oxygen levels in your aquarium drops. Alkalinity is also required for these bacteria to function. Ammonia levels increase when the alkalinity of water drops. Nitrifying bacteria won’t be able to function.

In the case of a new aquarium being cycled in the first place, the ammonia level must be controlled by ensuring regular water changes. Ammonia levels can be controlled by including live aquatic plants or liquid starter solutions. These products will introduce good bacteria into the filter substrate and medium, allowing them to reduce ammonia quicker.

Aquarium Water Quality Maintenance

The maintenance of healthy aquarium water requires constant monitoring of pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. These are organic chemicals made from food wastes, fish wastes and decomposing organic material, however, in large quantities they can kill fish as well as other animals that live in the aquarium. It is possible to detect these spikes faster with regular testing.

In all new aquariums, a process is followed to establish beneficial bacteria colonies and get the filtration system running at the speed of. It can take some time to get the new aquariums operating. This process is referred to as “cycling”, or “nitrogen cycles”. Even older aquariums could have periodic cycles.

Nitrification occurs in the colony of bacteria that converts ammonia to nitrite through natural respiration. Nitrite is transformed into nitrate by the aquarium’s filtration system by bacteria. Because it hinders oxygen exchange, nitrate could be harmful to fish. This causes the fish to become suffocated. In freshwater, the nitrate level must not exceed 5 ppm. For marine and reef systems, the concentration of nitrate should be maintained at 0 mg.

The best way to determine the kind of maintenance for water quality you need is to use the test kit. Follow the directions on the test kit to determine what kind of water is in the aquarium (Freshwater Saltwater Reef). You will need to check ammonia levels and nitrite levels each day based on how you cycle the water in your tank. Water changes are required whenever the readings are above zero.